Power available in the vehicle at any time
Forest contractor “Skoventreprenør Per Kjær APS” where Lasse Kjær is working, has a 3000 W LPS in the vehicle. The company “Skoventreprenør Per Kjær APS” spends 20% of the time on service and repair in the field. They often work in the countryside far from the company facilities, e.g., in the woods. In this case he is trimming a hedgerow of trees on an impassable location.

Saved payload
Yearly saved genset running
Yearly saved fuel
Yearly carbon reduction
“Our vehicles are our mobile workshop, where we keep spare parts, tools, welding equipment and other parts that we need to be able to carry out the daily work,” Lasse Kjær explains. The vehicle is selected because of the mobility, as it is important that he can drive to off-road places.
LPS battery system recharges while driving
“The LPS is easy to handle because it runs itself. It recharges while I am driving so there is always power available when I need it. So far, I have never been out of power,” says Lasse Kjær.
Access to power in the field is vital
It is important to have access to power on site in order to carry out the daily work. The tools are mostly electric, and the batteries must be recharged. It is quite easy to recharge the batteries from 230V because the all-in-one LPS automatically closes down when they are fully charged. Furthermore, there is an angle grinder and welding equipment for more comprehensive repairs. Both tools are supplied with power from the LPS.
The LPS outdates fuel driven equipment
Previously, Lasse Kjær had a bigger vehicle with space for a generator (for welding) and a compressor – both fuel driven. The old vehicle has been replaced with a smaller vehicle that can drive off-road. With sufficient space for the LPS Lasse Kjær no longer needs the fuel driven equipment.
LPS comes in three models
1500 W, 2500 W and 3000 W. With optional fittings for installation inside your van. A remote control is also available for switching 12 V and 240 V on/off and checking the battery status. 1500 W and 2500 W have 1 kWh battery capacity, and 3000 W has 2 kWh.
Easy access to 230 V and 12 V power - everywhere!
LPS. All-in-one mobile power