Privacy en gebruiksvoorwaarden
1. Toepassing
1.1 Toepassing. De standaard verkoop- en leveringsvoorwaarden ("de voorwaarden") zijn van toepassing op alle overeenkomsten met betrekking tot de verkoop en levering van producten, onderdelen en aanverwante diensten door Clayton Power ApS, handelsregister nr. 29821631, ("het bedrijf") aan zakelijke klanten.
2. Contractbasis
2.1 Contractual basis. The Terms and Conditions together with the Company’s quotations and order confirmations constitute the entire contractual basis for the Company’s sale and delivery of products, spare parts and related services to the customer (“the Contractual Basis”). The customer’s terms and conditions of purchase printed on orders or otherwise provided to the Company do not form part of the Contractual Basis.
2.2 Amendments and additions. Amendments of and additions to the Contractual Basis only apply if agreed by the parties in writing.
2.2 Amendments and additions. Amendments of and additions to the Contractual Basis only apply if agreed by the parties in writing.
3. Producten, onderdelen en diensten
3.1 Beperking van aansprakelijkheid. Door het bedrijf aan de klant verkochte en geleverde producten, onderdelen en aanverwante diensten zijn bedoeld voor gebruik in een droge, stofvrije omgeving. Niettegenstaande enige daarmee strijdige voorwaarden in de contractbasis is het bedrijf in geen geval aansprakelijk voor verlies of schade ten gevolge van onjuist gebruik van het product. De klant vrijwaart het bedrijf voor zo ver het bedrijf voor een dergelijk verlies of schade aansprakelijk gesteld wordt.
4. Prijs en betaling
4.1 Price. The prices charged for products, spare parts and related services are as shown in the Company’s price list applicable at the time the Company confirms the customer’s order, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
4.2 Payment. The customer shall pay all invoices for products, spare parts or related services at the latest 30 days from dispatch, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
4.2 Payment. The customer shall pay all invoices for products, spare parts or related services at the latest 30 days from dispatch, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
5. Te late betaling
5.1 Interest If the customer fails to make timely payment of an invoice for products, spare parts or related services for reasons unrelated to the Company, the Company is entitled to interest on the due amount at the rate of 2% per month from the due date until payment is made.
5.2 Cancellation. If the customer fails to pay a due invoice for products, spare parts or related services within 14 days from receipt of a written demand for payment from the Company, the Company is entitled, in addition to interest as specified under Clause
5.1, to: (i) cancel the sale of the products, spare parts and/or related services to which the delay relates, (ii) cancel the sale of products, spare parts and/or related services that have not yet been delivered to the customer or demand prepayment for such products, spare parts and/or related services, and/or (iii) avail itself of other remedies for breach of contract.
5.2 Cancellation. If the customer fails to pay a due invoice for products, spare parts or related services within 14 days from receipt of a written demand for payment from the Company, the Company is entitled, in addition to interest as specified under Clause
5.1, to: (i) cancel the sale of the products, spare parts and/or related services to which the delay relates, (ii) cancel the sale of products, spare parts and/or related services that have not yet been delivered to the customer or demand prepayment for such products, spare parts and/or related services, and/or (iii) avail itself of other remedies for breach of contract.
6. Orders, orderbevestigingen, betaling, restituties en het recht op annulering
6.1 Order confirmations. The Company shall endeavour to send the customer a written confirmation or rejection of an order for products, spare parts or related services no later than three working days from receipt of the order. To be binding on the Company, confirmations or rejections of orders must be in writing.
6.2 Changes to orders. The customer cannot change an order already placed for products, spare parts or related services without the Company’s written acceptance.
6.3 Payment. The Company accepts payment via Dankort/VISADankort/VISA/VISA Electron, Mastercard and JCB. Payment will only be deducted from your account once the order has been dispatched. All amounts are in DKK (Danish kroner) and inclusive of VAT. The Company uses an approved payment server that encrypts all your card information using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This means that your information cannot be read by unauthorised parties.
6.4 Refunds. If a refund has been agreed, please forward your bank details, so we can transfer the agreed amount. A 14 day cancellation period applies for goods purchased in our online shop. The cancellation period begins on the day you receive the order. The costs of returns shall be borne by the customer.
You must notify us within 14 days from date of purchase if you wish to cancel your purchase, and the products must be returned within 14 days of the date you notify us. Notification must be sent by e-mail to sales@claytonpower.com. You must state very clearly that you wish to avail yourself of the cancellation right.
6.5 The condition of the product when you return it. You are only liable for any reduction in the value of the product caused by handling beyond that necessary to determine the nature of the product, its features and the way it works. In other words: you can try the product in the same way you would do in a physical shop. If the product has been tried beyond what is described above, we regard it as a used product, which means that if you cancel the purchase, you will only receive a partial refund of the purchase price, if any, depending on the market value of the product. In order to receive a full refund, treat the product in the same way you would in a physical shop. You are allowed to try the product, but not to start using it.
6.2 Changes to orders. The customer cannot change an order already placed for products, spare parts or related services without the Company’s written acceptance.
6.3 Payment. The Company accepts payment via Dankort/VISADankort/VISA/VISA Electron, Mastercard and JCB. Payment will only be deducted from your account once the order has been dispatched. All amounts are in DKK (Danish kroner) and inclusive of VAT. The Company uses an approved payment server that encrypts all your card information using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This means that your information cannot be read by unauthorised parties.
6.4 Refunds. If a refund has been agreed, please forward your bank details, so we can transfer the agreed amount. A 14 day cancellation period applies for goods purchased in our online shop. The cancellation period begins on the day you receive the order. The costs of returns shall be borne by the customer.
You must notify us within 14 days from date of purchase if you wish to cancel your purchase, and the products must be returned within 14 days of the date you notify us. Notification must be sent by e-mail to sales@claytonpower.com. You must state very clearly that you wish to avail yourself of the cancellation right.
6.5 The condition of the product when you return it. You are only liable for any reduction in the value of the product caused by handling beyond that necessary to determine the nature of the product, its features and the way it works. In other words: you can try the product in the same way you would do in a physical shop. If the product has been tried beyond what is described above, we regard it as a used product, which means that if you cancel the purchase, you will only receive a partial refund of the purchase price, if any, depending on the market value of the product. In order to receive a full refund, treat the product in the same way you would in a physical shop. You are allowed to try the product, but not to start using it.
7. Levering
7.1 Delivery conditions. The Company delivers all sold products and spare parts as quoted.
7.2 Inspection. The customer must inspect all products, spare parts and related services at the time of delivery. If the customer discovers an error or a defect which the customer wishes to invoke, the error or defect must immediately be reported in writing to the Company. If the customer discovers or should have discovered an error or defect and fails to immediately report it in writing to the Company, the customer cannot later invoke such error or defect.
7.2 Inspection. The customer must inspect all products, spare parts and related services at the time of delivery. If the customer discovers an error or a defect which the customer wishes to invoke, the error or defect must immediately be reported in writing to the Company. If the customer discovers or should have discovered an error or defect and fails to immediately report it in writing to the Company, the customer cannot later invoke such error or defect.
8. Te late levering
8.1 Mededeling. Indien het bedrijf verwacht dat de levering van producten, onderdelen of aanverwante diensten vertraging zal oplopen, dan zal het bedrijf dit aan de klant mededelen, onder vermelding van de oorzaak van de vertraging en het verwachte nieuwe leveringstijdstip.
9. Garantie
1. Garantie. Het bedrijf garandeert dat producten en bijbehorende diensten tot 24 maanden na levering vrij zijn van significante gebreken in ontwerp, materiaal en uitvoering.
2. Uitzonderingen. De garantie van het bedrijf geldt niet voor defecten veroorzaakt door: (i) normale slijtage, (ii) opslag, installatie, gebruik of onderhoud in strijd met de instructies van het bedrijf of de gangbare praktijk, (iii) reparatie of verandering uitgevoerd door anderen dan het bedrijf en (iv) andere omstandigheden waarvoor het bedrijf niet verantwoordelijk is.
3. Een claim indienen. Indien de klant binnen de garantieperiode gebreken ontdekt op basis waarvan hij/zij een beroep op de garantie wil doen, dan dient dit onmiddellijk schriftelijk aan het bedrijf te worden gemeld. Indien gebreken die de klant ontdekt of had kunnen ontdekken niet onmiddellijk schriftelijk aan het bedrijf worden gemeld, kan dit niet op een later tijdstip alsnog plaatsvinden. De klant dient het bedrijf de gevraagde informatie inzake de gemelde gebreken te verstrekken.
4. Onderzoek. Het bedrijf informeert de klant binnen een redelijke termijn na ontvangst van en onderzoek naar de claim of de gebreken al dan niet onder de garantie vallen. De klant dient de defecte onderdelen op verzoek naar het bedrijf te verzenden. De kosten van en het risico voor de onderdelen tijdens het transport naar het bedrijf zijn voor rekening van de klant. De kosten van en het risico voor de te retourneren onderdelen zijn uitsluitend voor rekening van het bedrijf voor zover de defecten gedekt worden door de garantie.
Instructies voor het aanvragen van de Garantieservice op apparaten van Clayton Power:
Om de garantieservice aan te vragen dient u contact op te nemen met de winkel waar u het product hebt aangeschaft en de volgende informatie te verstrekken: verkoopbon, modelnummer van het apparaat, serienummer van het apparaat, korte beschrijving van de toepassing en het probleem, inclusief eventuele op het apparaat weergegeven foutcodes.
Vraag voorafgaand aan het verzenden van het apparaat een autorisatienummer aan bij de Clayton Power dealer. Pak het apparaat zorgvuldig in en verzend het (franco) naar de Clayton Power dealer. Houd er rekening mee dat het apparaat lithiumaccu's bevat en moet worden verzonden als gevaarlijke goederen volgens UN3480 lithium-ionaccu's.
2. Uitzonderingen. De garantie van het bedrijf geldt niet voor defecten veroorzaakt door: (i) normale slijtage, (ii) opslag, installatie, gebruik of onderhoud in strijd met de instructies van het bedrijf of de gangbare praktijk, (iii) reparatie of verandering uitgevoerd door anderen dan het bedrijf en (iv) andere omstandigheden waarvoor het bedrijf niet verantwoordelijk is.
3. Een claim indienen. Indien de klant binnen de garantieperiode gebreken ontdekt op basis waarvan hij/zij een beroep op de garantie wil doen, dan dient dit onmiddellijk schriftelijk aan het bedrijf te worden gemeld. Indien gebreken die de klant ontdekt of had kunnen ontdekken niet onmiddellijk schriftelijk aan het bedrijf worden gemeld, kan dit niet op een later tijdstip alsnog plaatsvinden. De klant dient het bedrijf de gevraagde informatie inzake de gemelde gebreken te verstrekken.
4. Onderzoek. Het bedrijf informeert de klant binnen een redelijke termijn na ontvangst van en onderzoek naar de claim of de gebreken al dan niet onder de garantie vallen. De klant dient de defecte onderdelen op verzoek naar het bedrijf te verzenden. De kosten van en het risico voor de onderdelen tijdens het transport naar het bedrijf zijn voor rekening van de klant. De kosten van en het risico voor de te retourneren onderdelen zijn uitsluitend voor rekening van het bedrijf voor zover de defecten gedekt worden door de garantie.
Instructies voor het aanvragen van de Garantieservice op apparaten van Clayton Power:
Om de garantieservice aan te vragen dient u contact op te nemen met de winkel waar u het product hebt aangeschaft en de volgende informatie te verstrekken: verkoopbon, modelnummer van het apparaat, serienummer van het apparaat, korte beschrijving van de toepassing en het probleem, inclusief eventuele op het apparaat weergegeven foutcodes.
Vraag voorafgaand aan het verzenden van het apparaat een autorisatienummer aan bij de Clayton Power dealer. Pak het apparaat zorgvuldig in en verzend het (franco) naar de Clayton Power dealer. Houd er rekening mee dat het apparaat lithiumaccu's bevat en moet worden verzonden als gevaarlijke goederen volgens UN3480 lithium-ionaccu's.
10. Aansprakelijkheid
10.1 Liability. Each party is liable for its own acts and omissions in accordance with current law subject to the limitations stated in the Contractual Basis.
10.2 Product liability. The Company incurs product liability in relation to delivered products and spare parts to the extent such liability applies under mandatory legislation. The customer shall indemnify the Company to the extent the Company incurs product liability beyond that imposed by law.
10.3 Indirect loss. Irrespective of anything to the contrary in the Contractual Basis, the Company is not liable to the customer for indirect losses, including loss of production, loss of sales, as well as loss of earnings, time or goodwill.
10.4 Force majeure. Irrespective of anything to the contrary in the Contractual Basis, the Company is not liable to the customer for a failure to comply with the Company’s obligations if the failure is attributable to force majeure. The exemption from liability applies for the duration of the force majeure. Force majeure is defined as all conditions which are beyond the Company’s control and which the Company could not have foreseen at the time the contract was signed.
Examples of force majeure include unusual natural events, war, acts of terrorism, fire, flooding, malicious damage and labour disputes.
10.2 Product liability. The Company incurs product liability in relation to delivered products and spare parts to the extent such liability applies under mandatory legislation. The customer shall indemnify the Company to the extent the Company incurs product liability beyond that imposed by law.
10.3 Indirect loss. Irrespective of anything to the contrary in the Contractual Basis, the Company is not liable to the customer for indirect losses, including loss of production, loss of sales, as well as loss of earnings, time or goodwill.
10.4 Force majeure. Irrespective of anything to the contrary in the Contractual Basis, the Company is not liable to the customer for a failure to comply with the Company’s obligations if the failure is attributable to force majeure. The exemption from liability applies for the duration of the force majeure. Force majeure is defined as all conditions which are beyond the Company’s control and which the Company could not have foreseen at the time the contract was signed.
Examples of force majeure include unusual natural events, war, acts of terrorism, fire, flooding, malicious damage and labour disputes.
11. Rechten, waaronder intellectuele-eigendomsrechten
11.1 Right of ownership. All intellectual property rights in respect of products, spare parts and related services, including patents, designs, trade marks and copyrights, are vested in the Company.
11.2 Energy savings. Clayton Power retains the right to report energy savings realised by a third party to the Danish Energy Agency (attribution right). The customer cannot assign the aforementioned realised energy savings to other parties.
11.2 Energy savings. Clayton Power retains the right to report energy savings realised by a third party to the Danish Energy Agency (attribution right). The customer cannot assign the aforementioned realised energy savings to other parties.
12. Geheimhouding
12.1 Disclosure and use. The customer shall not disclose, use or enable others to use the Company’s business secrets or any other information of whatever nature that is not publicly available.
12.2 Protection. The customer shall not acquire or attempt to acquire knowledge of or access to the Company’s confidential information as described under Clause 12.1 in an improper manner. The customer shall process and store the information securely to avoid any third party unintentionally gaining access to such information.
12.3 Duration. The customer’s obligations as described under 12.1-12.2 apply for the duration of the business relationship between the parties and after its termination without time limits and irrespective of the reason for the termination of the relationship.
12.4 Personal information. To ensure a close collaboration and highest service possible the company collects and registers personal contact information (name, e-mail and phone number) of the relevant employee of the customer.
12.2 Protection. The customer shall not acquire or attempt to acquire knowledge of or access to the Company’s confidential information as described under Clause 12.1 in an improper manner. The customer shall process and store the information securely to avoid any third party unintentionally gaining access to such information.
12.3 Duration. The customer’s obligations as described under 12.1-12.2 apply for the duration of the business relationship between the parties and after its termination without time limits and irrespective of the reason for the termination of the relationship.
12.4 Personal information. To ensure a close collaboration and highest service possible the company collects and registers personal contact information (name, e-mail and phone number) of the relevant employee of the customer.
13. Toepasselijk recht en rechtsgebied
13.1 Applicable law. The parties’ trade is in all respects subjected to Danish law.
13.2 Complaints. Any complaints about products purchased from our online shop should be addressed to:
The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s Complaints Resolution Centre
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, DK-2500 Valby
If you are a consumer resident in another EU country, you can state your complaint on the EU Commission’s dispute resolution platform. Platform address:
If you submit a complaint here, always state our e-mail address: sales@claytonpower.com
13.2 Complaints. Any complaints about products purchased from our online shop should be addressed to:
The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s Complaints Resolution Centre
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, DK-2500 Valby
If you are a consumer resident in another EU country, you can state your complaint on the EU Commission’s dispute resolution platform. Platform address:
If you submit a complaint here, always state our e-mail address: sales@claytonpower.com